This page will be updated as often as possible so you know what the current needs are.  

Donating Shoebox Items - We are in need of a lot more of these items: hygiene products (tooth brushes, soap, face cloths, nail clippers, combs, etc), pencils, sharpeners and erasers and small craft kits.  Please bring them if you can!

  • We need a great deal more WOW items.  Each box gets a "Wow" item.  It's the item that is super awesome and exciting that would bring great joy to the child recieving it.  It's great to have a box filled with supplies and goods, but there should be at least one wow super item for each box and child.  Here are some ideas of what those can be:

    Solar calculator
    Jump rope
    Garden gloves and trowel
    Christmas beads
    Flash lights with batteries
    Small tools
    Cool toys
    Toy cars
    Deflated ball & pump
    Outfit of clothes


If you have a ministry or group that wants to commit to collecting 400 boxes worth of these items, please contact Pastor Matt.

Suggestions on where to get supplies

  • Dollar Tree tends to be an inexpensive place comapred to most other dollar stores.  Some other locations like Staples and Wal-Mart have bargains as well for some items especially when sales are on. 
  • Online retailers (Amazon, Aliexpress) sometimes has great deals for bulk volumes of items which costs less than retail.  
  • Like-new and new items in your homes will be accepted.  Do not donate used and dirty items.
  • Crafts from us that are made for them.
  • Craft sets packaged by us for kids to make.